Missing Imbalance

I was mid sentence, paragraph really when I was writing something to you, for you, about you.

I stopped and erased it. A few times I wanted to send you more messages, I wanted to make things right when it was obviously too late.

You wanted me to tell you I cared, I still do.

I wish I had waited until we were both healed emotionally/mentally, but I had caved and now we aren’t talking anymore.

I keep looking to see if you’ve written about me, if I still cross your mind.

But if I do, it’s probably only because I hurt you, not that I would be thought of lightly anymore

I’m sorry that I took things too far. You didn’t deserve someone treating you the way I did

We have things in common. I let you go before you let me go and now we aren’t anything.

I’m not even a speck of dust in your little brain.

I wish you well.

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